Vagina and Uterus
In dreams the vagina and uterus represents not only sexual feelings and desires, but is a symbol of complete womanhood and femininity. The vagina and womb/uterus, in their shape represent the human qualities of sympathy, receptivity, loving, acceptance, desire to absorb and creativity. The womb is a symbol of fertility, the willing sacrifice of personal resources, life, energies and ideas, so that the new life, new love, new spiritual impulse can take form. The new idea or creation uses the old parts of yourself, but reshapes them, adding new features or qualities. The life processes the vagina and womb give rise to shape, substance and the growth of the new impulse or form.
A penis when erect can reach across space and enter a female and leave its seed. Like the sun which reaches across space and enters the earth bringing forth life – So the sun and the earth are the positive and negative of cosmic and human life. A fundamental quality of a female vagina is the ability to receive seeds, but it also has its own treasures, its precious eggs, and together they give substance and form, enabling the growth of Life itself that we call a baby. All of life’s mystery comes to life in the baby.
The femaleness or maleness, the vagina or penis you dream of must not be confused with your personality, your conscious feelings. Many of us believe we are ourselves because we were born human. Not so. As babies unless we are taught to speak we remain little animals. See Programmed
We are carefully fed programs about what we are by being taught it. We are programmed – and of course we can learn to recognise that programming and hopefully grow beyond it. For the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories, education and programming you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self.
It is this older and primal self that the vagina represents, and dreams try to help us connect with this older and huge self that underlies the human personality. I first came across this older huge self when as a boy of seven I was asked to collect something from a woman who owned a large country house. She led me to a big open barn and climbed a ladder to get what it was I had to take home. But as she got to the top of the ladder her beautiful white thighs and beyond came in sight. The view hit me with such force that it has been engraved in my memory ever since. Looking back it seemed to me I had glimpsed the Holy Grail and it was years later that I understood what I had been exposed to. As a child, without any sexual urge, I had touched something that remains unconscious in most of us, for I had seen the source of all life, the place that every living creature emerges, a truly amazing and holy place. I read somewhere that early man, seeing baby emerge from a woman’s body, was in awe of her. Also, Jane Goodall in observing chimpanzees wrote that she saw a young female, bewildered by the miracle of birth and stared at her new baby for ages with a look of wonderment, as so many other mothers have done throughout the centuries, animal and human alike.
Many of us still feel that awe when a woman gives birth to another living being. As I wrote above, a woman must not confuse her personality with primal feelings that arise from the core.
The female in her relationship with maleness, is not generally so active in the outer world, but through her sympathy, love, receptiveness and giving of self, shapes the male actions and creative forces, as depicted by the womb shaping the creative forces of the sperm. On the other hand, a man is not generally so active in his inner, intuitive life, and his outer activity penetrates the woman’s inner life, stimulating and directing her intuition and soul.
Something that I have often seen, is how, particularly women I suppose, have often failed to understand the great power they have in their instinctive sexual drives. Those drives links them with their ability to create and be creative. But what I see is that those drives need not be expressed through producing a child. This does not mean they need to frustrate or repressed these drives, but that they be accepted and directed into another expression. It means being fully aware of the sexual dynamics of interrelations, in business, in work, in everyday dealings with people.
Taken as symbols of the two parts of one person’s nature, the penis represents the outer self, creative and active, intellect and reasoning; ability to succeed in business and social activity in its constructive elements. The vagina symbolises emotions, inner feelings, irrational self, intuition, sympathetic and inner contact with people, the ability to produce new ideas, new energies. new concepts. The two working together fulfil and complement each other, outer activity expresses, tests, and brings to realisation the intuition.
The vagina refers to much more than a woman’s sexual feelings and drives. It depicts the urges and processes that are the foundations of her waking personality. It deals with her ability to procreate, not only in regard to children, but also in her bringing things to life or reality in work and other people’s lives. The vagina can associate with her unique glandular bias which underlies the energy or lethargy or her drives, emotions and mind. It is this bias that helps or hinders her with what she faces in emotional, mental and physical expression. It gives, in whatever degree, the caring, nurturing feelings which emerge out of sexual mating when healthy.
The vagina in a woman’s dream also might indicate her desire for a mate; the sense of connection and identity with other women, other female creatures and female aspects of nature. In its positive aspect it may represent the sure confidence with which a woman may demand from her man that he treat her womanhood with the respect it deserves. This means expressing the full flood of her sexual need with its desire for a child, a caring and supportive nest to rear that child in, and her female creativity which may rise from that basic reproductive drive into social creativity and personal demand for respect. It means she will confront her man with this and expect him to meet it with his own masculine power.
If the dream is directly about the uterus, this suggests an immediate connection with the ability to reproduce in some way, with pregnancy, with nurturing a child. See: ovaries/uterus under body.
This wonder that is the basis of yourself and of Life in you is often not recognised by many women. It is a secret and beautiful aspect of your womanhood. It is that deep down feeling that most women recognises, it is that she is very special and even unique. This wonderful secret treasure women offer when they really love. They come to love with the expectancy, maybe not even very conscious, of having this wonder in them, this treasure, recognised and honoured.
If this has been grasped by your soul, or felt in some dreams or meditations, it is then suddenly transformed into a universal truth.
Unfortunately the woman may identify with this wonder as a person, and that could be a mistake. The treasure, the unique and wonderful riches she has are her eggs. Within her are the living accumulation of millions of years of life experience.
No plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self. To explore it see Opening to Life
Nobody else carries exactly the eggs that she does. These eggs are beyond imagining in their wonder and history, in the information, lives, secrets they hold. This is the treasure a woman offers to her lover. If she believes her own personality is this treasure it might lead to over inflation of her self image. But also of course, it will lead to the terrible despair that often follows human love. Betrayal of the trust may follow. But her eggs are for her to honour and treasure. They are for her to recognise and know what a great wealth she carries within her. So in some dreams the vagina is an image of this sense the woman has of her own unique wealth.
As an egg and sperm we are tiny single celled creatures. The next two stages of development as the cells increase in size and number resembles the activities found in many simple living things such as plants. The twenty day old embryo develops four brachial grooves, which in the embryo of a fish grow into gills. At this point the formative forces which produce a fish are active, as were the formative forces of a plant at an earlier stage. These are then supplanted by forces which bring about features of the potential mammalian upright animal we could be. See Mammal Brain
So the vagina can represent the very basis or core of your existence – not your personality, which is a small part of your make up. See Core Self
In a woman’s dream: Generally how you feels about your own sexual needs, but this includes procreation as well. It links with the health or feeling state of your sexual self and physical vagina, as well as your experience of motherhood or experience of the procreative relationship with your mother and nature.
As such it depicts your central femininity, your sexual urge and your ability or inability to have a child. It might be used in your dream to show what you feel about your physical attraction. And in some dreams it is shown as the reality underlying the temple or church of life. Temples and churches are in fact just symbols of the creative reality of the vagina and the holy sexual mystery of life.
Your Creative Centre – See Seven 7 Levels of Us
Bleeding vagina: This might indicate your fears about sexuality and femininity, or hurts to your emotions connected with sexual relatedness.
In man’s dreams: The vagina represents your feelings or fears about meeting a woman’s full sexuality which includes not just a woman’s body but her deep self, her ability of motherhood as well as the deep experience of the relationship with your mother, and all the issues of dependence, fear, love or anger that still exist in you from your childhood. It also connects with your experience of birth, and how your mother met your emerging male sexuality. The vagina is the holy grail of your desire for sexual expression.
Bleeding vagina in a male dream: Your trauma, fears, hurts about your sexual and emotional ability to relate to a woman sexually, socially and emotionally.
Example: ‘She was now quite naked, dead and stiff, but still bleeding from the vagina. I walked along, the dead body walked like a clockwork soldier. It was quite horrible to see its semblance to life.’ Derek A.
Derek’s relationship with a woman, and with his own emotions and sexuality is ‘dead’ and deeply hurt – the blood. He can mechanically have sex – the clockwork soldier – but not with deep feeling bonds or satisfaction.
Examples of other types of sexual dreams are as follows:
Example: ‘He was very brown, could have been a native but he didn’t feel strange to me. We were making love, I was very aware of the pleasure in my lower body. It was very slippy slidy and wet, there was enjoyment for both of us. Very intense body feelings with a childlike quality, not passion – but pleasure and joy in my vagina.’ Susy I.
Susy is feeling happy and joyful about her ‘native’ or natural sexual feelings – particularly the sensual side of sex. Sensual pleasure, as with emotional pleasure, is as much a food for our physical and emotional self, as bread is for our physical body.
Example: ‘I had very little pubic hair and thought it must be because I had just had a shower, but, no, on looking again I had very little hair. I was hugging Mary, a friend, my arms around her back and one hand holding her vagina. It was then I noticed she was the shape of a man there. I drew away for a second at the discovery then felt OK as it meant I was hugging a male/female person. We were very warm together. Two days before this dream my husband had said his mother called a vagina a MARY.’ Lucy R.
Lucy is ‘touching’ or becoming aware of what could be seen as her own wholeness, which includes her male nature. See The Animus
Useful Questions and Hints:
In a female dream – what is the central thing this dream is presenting to me – is it about the way I feel about sex, about residues of my father’s influence in my life, or about my female power?
In a male dreams – The vagina represents your feelings or fears about meeting a woman’s full sexuality, as well as the deep experience of the relationship with your mother, and all the issues of dependence, fear, love or anger that still exist in you from your childhood. It also connects with your experience of birth, and how your mother met your emerging male sexuality. The vagina is the holy grail of your desire for sexual expression.
For many men there is a fascination with the vagina, for it is the ‘Holy Grail’ men have an inner sense if seeking or at least its suggestion. It is not so much wanting to see it, but the tantalisation of seeing the knickers/underclothes and holding it, the flash of a woman’ naked legs and where the the V of the thighs lead.
Does my dream in any way indicate my fears or strengths in my relationship with a woman – or is it about residues of my mother’s influence?
What are the main or even the suggested feelings or emotions shown in the dream, and what place do they have in my waking life?
Bleeding vagina in a male dream: Your trauma, fears, hurts about your sexual and emotional ability to relate to a woman sexually, socially and emotionally.
Example: ‘She was now quite naked, dead and stiff, but still bleeding from the vagina. I walked along; the dead body walked like a clockwork soldier. It was quite horrible to see its semblance to life.’ Derek A.
Derek’s relationship with a woman, and with his own emotions and sexuality is ‘dead’ and deeply hurt – the blood. He can mechanically have sex – the clockwork soldier – but not with deep feeling bonds or satisfaction.
Examples of other types of sexual dreams are as follows:
Example: ‘He was very brown, could have been a native but he didn’t feel strange to me. We were having sex; I was very aware of the pleasure in my lower body. It was very slippy slidy and wet, there was enjoyment for both of us. Very intense body feelings with a childlike quality, not passion – but pleasure and joy in my vagina.’ Susy I.
Susy is feeling happy and joyful about her ‘native’ or natural sexual feelings – particularly the sensual side of sex. Sensual pleasure, as with emotional pleasure, is as much a food for our physical and emotional self, as bread is for our physical body.
Example: ‘I had very little pubic hair and thought it must be because I had just had a shower, but, no, on looking again I had very little hair. I was hugging Mary, a friend, my arms around her back and one hand holding her vagina. It was then I noticed she was the shape of a man there. I drew away for a second at the discovery then felt OK as it meant I was hugging a male/female person. We were very warm together. Two days before this dream my husband had said his mother called a vagina a MARY.’ Lucy R.
Lucy is ‘touching’ or becoming aware of what could be seen as her own wholeness, which includes her male nature. See The Animus
Useful Questions and Hints:
In a female dream – what is the central thing this dream is presenting to me – is it about the way I feel about sex, about residues of my father’s influence in my life, or about my female power?
In a male dream – does my dream in any way indicate my fears or strengths in my relationship with a woman – or is it about residues of my mother’s influence?
What are the main or even the suggested feelings or emotions shown in the dream, and what place do they have in my waking life?
You could try using The Sense of Nonsense to explore other dimensions of you or use Easy Dream Interpretation
hi tony! very insightful – thank you so much! last night i dreamt that i found and pulled on a string coming out of my vagina, and ultimately it attached to, and i pulled out, my heart. very powerful. any insights would be appreciated.
Kelly – A wonderful descriptive dream, for is such a short description it tells so much.
I want to try to see if I can help you understand the profound connections such dreams make. To start with here is a description of a man remembering his life in his mother’s womb.
Example: There are memories of being in the womb, feeling like the yolk of an egg. My genitals were the pulsing centre of that yolk, and they pulsed with gentle pleasure in time with my tiny heart. There was no sense yet of being a person, but there was an integrity that gave a feeling of being something different to other things in my awareness. And I remember love. It came to me in waves as the beating of my small heart roused pleasure in the centre of me, pleasure raised high as my mother’s heart and mine beat together while the two rhythms crossed – two heart beating as one is love.
Now that will probably be seen as imagination by many who have never explored the depths of their own mind, but in Dr S. Grofs book Realms of the Human Unconscious, his Observations and Research clearly states that memory of Ebryonal and Foetal Experiences is normal. He said it in doctor language, but it means one can remember not only life in the womb, but also foetal memories also. He gives examples of it in his book.
If you can accept that we develop from a very basic start, so your love experience began in the love you felt for your mother, and then perhaps you can see that any further development and attempts at love were all influenced by your earliest experiences. Then maybe you can see from the man’s description, that the genitals were the earliest centre of your feelings and experience.
To make it clear, you were a seed in your mother’s womb. Seeds start from the very basic form and awareness and slowly grow through further stages. We are a life form and as such are immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood, and there are more stages of growth beyond adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future. But basically we are pushed and impelled onwards by the Life process. We can fight it or open to it – https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
So your dream, shows that another level of you developed which has a direct connection with you genitals – the heart. As said elsewhere, an example is that your heart in a dream does not represent a your physical heart, because dreams work in a way that doesn’t look at your life day by day, locked in the present moment, but has the ability to have an overall view of your whole life. From that viewpoint dreams can see thing differently, because it knows you too are a mammal. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain
As far as dreams are concerned, it sees us as being segments with different types of awareness. For instance a basic segment is the genital area. If that is destroyed or interfered with as it has been in pat generations by castration, the individual never develops the finer appreciation of love, parental caring, giving of oneself to others.
But we are looking at the fourth section, the heart, the very centre of our being. And if it is not hurt or traumatised, its function is to take in and give out, as in breathing. Any blocks here when you lack emotional responsiveness or deny them can cause chest pain, feelings of loneliness or not being able to connect with others. Its is the heart centre.
It is just one aspect of our huge human potential. If it is lifted up from the genital and given form, it takes in the world, just as we take in the air through our lungs. It draws from our relationship with the world and with other people. It takes what one is receiving and begins to form it into a new moving expression. In the chest questions arise as to what shape we wish to give it? What we want to do with it? Where do we want to take that life? What do we want to do with life? We may express it as feelings to somebody else through love or care. We may give it as support to another being. We may give it as admiration that is perhaps a stimulus to another being, or create out of love a new activity in the world.
I know that is a lot to take in. It might help to also see https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
I recently had a dream that my right hand was on fire but there was no pain just heat, with that same hand i grabbed a womens vagina and it didn’t seem to hurt her either. The vagina looks like a older ladies vagina. What does that mean?
Hi there.
I am a female. I had a dream that I touched a friend of mine/old lover’s vagina and we were in public, hiding behind a tall table. I was rubbing her clit and realized it was too rough/not pleasing, so I changed position/angle and then it was more pleasing.
I am in a year plus relationship with a man I love, but am having trouble surrendering. We are both growing and in our Saturn returns. I am questioning my sexuality/have fear I may be a lesbian and I also am really desiring to surrender to my feminine essence and wanting my partner to show up more fully in his masculine essence.
Insights? I am confused.
Alyssa – It is sometimes confusing when you wake up to the fact of having a dual nature. We exist strung between enormous duality – sleep and waking, male and female, pain and pleasure, light and darkness, life and death, and death and resurrection, war and peace, matter and anti-matter, negative and positive, the void and bodily existence. To be whole we need to accept and meet these opposites. In the pursuit of love we need to recognise that we must integrate the other gender to become whole.
Every woman has a male within her, and so is dual sexually. Integration means having both the female and the male self equally developed. That is wholeness. So therefore being both firmly female, male or homosexual are both unbalanced. It takes courage and hard work to achieve the balance.
But most people do not see that we have inner wholeness but our body polarises us as one gender. This causes enormous miseries and even pain because people are sold the wonderful fantasy that we can find “THE ONE” who makes life amazing. But life in the body is what we deal with, and because the physical world is all split into dualism/opposites, and because we are mammalian animals who have only recently attained a measure of self awareness, we have millions of years of instinct in us to seek a partner. That means we find self awareness very stressful for we are bombarded with our instincts to have sex, and at the same time have personal awareness built out of cultural beliefs which in many women and men are either directed by their genitals or are twisted into huge romantic dreams. WOW!!!
If we understand that fantasy, we can still have a “working” relationship. See https://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/surviving-love-and-relationships/
I dreamed that i found female stranger in a theater room and i could hear that the whole thing was to remove contraceptive device in her and at same time a green liquid was comin out alot flowing of her vagina.
What does this means
Hi – It is important that you read https://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=529.msg1472#msg1472
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Katija – All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. Nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation, or animal. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them.
So the female stranger was about you; we tend to use other characters because often we do not wish to see what the dream is saying. So if you use a contraceptive device, or are thinking abo8ut using one the answer is don’t. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
I don’t know why the dream is saying this, but I do know that dreams have a very full knowledge about what is good for us. The green liquid depends on what your feelings were when you saw it. But green is the color of growing things, the blood of plants and cellular growth.
Good day.
Last night I had a dream about my cousin. She called me into the room to tell me she’s pregnant. I was extremely happy for her. Then later she was naked and I saw blood fromantic her private parts.
My fiance dream of being at the gym working out and saw 2 of my sister’s and i flirting with a guy. My sisters were touching the man’s part and exposing their breat, while i was playing with myself in front of everyone and was being recorded. He confronted me and asked me if i would want to sleep with another man, as in, testing me if i would be faithful, but i answered yes. He woke up feeling disgust and mad at me for wanting to cheat on him in his dream. I can only think he is going through a phase of insecurity, but I’m not too sure..
Hi Tony
Last night l dreamt urinating, then suddenly l saw a green discharge then upom wiping it l pulled my eggs out through the vagina. What does this mean? Lately been having abdominal pains? Please help
Brexy – Urinating is a release of waste and tension. A green discharge may be a carry on of the release of waste or bodily discharge of dead cells. Puling eggs out doesn’t seem a healthy way of releasing them either. That added to the abdominal pains suggest you would be wise to have a medical examination.
Dreams sometimes show problems in their very early stages when they can be easily treated.